Alberta, Canada

Why read or follow yet another blog?

Why should you read or follow this blog? The purpose of this site is to examine truth claims and assess them. There is so much information out there it is difficult to cut through the internet or information fog. This ministry seeks to “interrogate” those claims and assertions people make to get to what is the truth or more logically sound. At times, we will follow a format like a police investigation and interview or interrogation. Other techniques we will employ will be the use of the laws of thought and logic to analyze truth claims.


I don’t know about you, but I have certainly encountered information both virtually, and in person where people assert information with no basis or evidence. Some people state a claim as if it is fact, and their passion is so strong it really is convincing. It may even align with what I would want to be true. But just because I want something to be true does not mean it is. Sometimes the truth is not what I may want to hear, but it is the truth and this is where we must follow.

This ministry is dedicated to the seeker and skeptic who have questions, and to believers who also may have questions. The answers and process, we pray, will overcome intellectual hurdles for seekers and the skeptics. We also endeavor to strengthen the faith of believers. I am amazed at how shocking it is to both skeptics and many believers that faith and belief in God can be reasonable and complemented by science and philosophy.

So, this is the short answer to why to read, follow, and share this blog. We are excited for you to take this journey with us.

A little about me

I am married to a woman I love and adore, and we are blessed to have five children. I currently work in the field of Law Enforcement and have worked there for 19 years. During that time, much of my career has been focused on criminal investigations. Over that time one of my passions has been interviews and interrogations. I have worked to hone that skill. We will use some of those skills and techniques to take our journey. Over the last number of years, I have undertaken work on a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics which is nearly complete. With this, we will use critical thought and logic to conduct analysis on the claims we face. I also teach and speak on apologetic topics.

A little about Laurie

Laurie is the adored, as I noted above. Laurie is a busy homeschooling mother constantly bombarded with questions. She personally experienced the “just have faith” or “pray about it” answers to difficult questions she had. During my recent education, Laurie and I were amazed at the reasons to believe. Faith was not just about feelings. In her spare time, she has completed an Addiction Caseworker Diploma from McMaster University. One of her passions is to help families find their way through the destruction of addiction and on to finding freedom.